Saturday, March 20, 2010

Are you a Good Shepherd type Leader

Lessons on Leadership form the parable of the Good shepherd – John 10:1-18. A good shepherd/leader has a personal relationship of trust with each of his followers/sheep that they respond to his leadership because they know him and he knows them. How are you as a leader building trust with your sheep/followers? How are you as a leader getting to know by name your followers/sheep? A good shepherd/leader cares about his followers/sheep, wanting for them each to experience abundant joy in daily living, which comes from faith in and fellowship with God and righteous living. A good shepherd/leader stands firm in battle, a warrior who provides protection for his followers/sheep and does not flee when the battle gets heavy. A good leader/shepherd gives his life (psuche), his very heart, mind, and soul for his followers/sheep.

As you reflect on the parable of the Good Shepherd, don't dismiss yourself as not being a leader. To some extent we are all leaders, whether to your children, your spouse, to others who serve with you, or to whom you serve.

Also think of yourself as being a sheep. How well do you know your shepherd/leader? Whether that be God or a spouse, a leader in ministry, or your leader at work.

God places on the mind and heart of the leader what he wants the leader to do; then God gives him followers/sheep who are skilled to do the work. To be successful in accomplishing what God has for the leader to do the leader needs to know his followers/sheep in such a manner that they have confidence to follow him at all times and in all circumstances. How would you measure your effectiveness as a leader?