Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Unwavering Conviction

Is the confidence of your purpose sure that in the midst of opposition you have the courage and conviction to stay with it until your opposition is totally destroyed and you have completed everything you set out to do. For 5-7 years Joshua was on the battlefield. His assignment to utterly destroy all who breathed in the land God promised to Israel. Joshua 11:15 says, “and so Joshua did, he left nothing undone of all the Lord had commanded Moses.” To stay with something as Christ, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, the disciples, and other martyrs did you need to have the confidence in your calling from God, and unwavering conviction that comes from trusting God completely. Joshua was victorious because he stuck to it. He stuck to it, day after day, always alert to his enemies who were waiting for him to lose focus for a moment, to tire, to doubt, or to give up. Joshua had to stay alert, focused, in constant pursuit of the objectives God set him on, otherwise he would loose the battle. 

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