Sunday, November 1, 2009

Living with Power

Picture with me a flowing mountain stream of water moving rapidly and powerfully through the terrain carving its way through the land, pushing obstacles out of its path. See now the stream slowing down, moving ever so gently as it is obstructed by a fallen tree or large boulder in its path. In 2 Timothy 3:5, Paul warns us that we can have the appearance of godliness in our lives, but we are denying the power of godliness. Power comes from the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Godliness means holy living, and faith, love, and devotion to God. Combined, when our hearts and minds are aligned with God they result in a powerful force empowered by the Holy Spirit that cuts through the evil of this world and advances the kingdom of God. Look at 2 Timothy 3:1-4, which of these logs or boulders is slowing down the power of God to move through your life to effect change in your family or place of influence?

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