Wednesday, July 22, 2009


“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand”
Vince Lombardi
“A leader, once convinced that a particular course of action is the right one, must….be
undaunted when the going gets tough,”
President Ronald Reagan
Determination is an important ingredient to achieving success. Think about the last time you physically challenged yourself, and you had to draw upon your sheer determination to complete the race, or climb the hill, or what was it? One challenge each of us face is determining the right course of action, choosing how we are going to live our lives, where to focus that determined energy?
In Jeremiah 18, the Lord spoke of himself as a potter of clay who takes our very lives and shapes them to accomplish his will. The Lord also talked of those who choose not to allow the Lord to fashion them into great instruments of success for His glory. These are determined people who choose to follow their own course – their hearts are fixed on their own desires and not moldable by the Lord.
Determination is a powerful thing – examine your heart, are you determined on letting the Lord mold you into a mighty man or woman of God for His glory or are you determined to do life your own way?
First, choose the right way, then with undaunted determination allow the Lord to keep His hands ever present on shaping your life - the result: you will finish the race well.


  1. Mark,

    I was in Jeremiah 18 today as well! Perhaps we are following the same Bible reading plan.

    Great advice. I can tell you from personal experience that I took my great determination, accomplished great things (by the world's standards), yet found myself greatly discouraged when I looked around, with the world's trappings at my disposal, but found not my Lord.

    Where did he go?

    Truth is, I left, not in a horribly evil way, but left nonetheless.

    I am so glad to be back at the fountain eternal!

  2. David, thank you for sharing your journey. Perhaps like you, I have discovered much greater joy by focusing on the creator of riches rather then attaining the riches themselves. Today is a better day.
