Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Are you a good listener? Whether you are reading a book on parenting, marriage, or leadership you will discover that being a good listener is important for living a successful life. In my reading through the Bible today this theme of listening was prevalent. Listen to these words: Joshua said, ‘and you have listened to my voice in all that I commanded you’ (Joshua 22:2); and in Jeremiah 11, ‘the word came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, Hear… Listen to My voice….Listen to My voice.’

Joshua commended the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh for listening to his voice and doing all that he commanded them to do. Do you desire people to listen to you? As a parent or leader of people wouldn’t you like to say that about your children or co-laborers? Would you like to know that people are listening to you? If you read the earlier chapters in the book of Joshua you will find that Joshua was victorious in conquering nations of greater military strength and number because Joshua’s enemies had listened to the testimony of others of how God was with Moses and Joshua and the mighty power God displayed on their behalf. Also, take notice that the people Joshua was leading listened to Joshua because Joshua was faithful to God, and God exalted Joshua, so that the people of Israel would know that God was with him.

Listen to the words of warning from Joshua in 22:5, ‘be very careful to ….love the Lord your God and walk in all His ways and keep His commandments and hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul.’ The Lord also in Jeremiah 11 is angry with His people because they turned their backs on Him and ‘refused to hear His words.’

Do you want to be worthy of the Lord’s approval? Then be a good listener and heed the words of Joshua and fix your heart on serving the Lord with all your heart! If your heart is the Lord’s he will give you the victory of a successful and productive life.

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