Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fear or Confidence

As a child I used to love to walk in the rain with the wind blowing in my face, even with thunder and lightening there was something exhilarating about challenging nature. Perhaps it was my naivety as a child that gave me confidence to be fearless amidst the storm. What about today. I am no longer naive, but has my knowledge of life and God given me confidence to keep walking when the storms of life hit?

Today in my Bible reading fear and confidence were on display. In Genesis 15 God told Abram to look to the sky and count the stars, if he could count them, and that would be the number of his decendents. God says this to a man in his 80's whose wife was barren. But Abram believe God. Abram had confidence that God would fulfill His word - and God did. Contrast Abram's confidence with Peter's fear in Matthew 14:30. Peter ask's the Lord to call him out onto the stormy sea, and the Lord says come. Peter has enough confidence to step out onto the water, but within moments as he looks at the waves his confidence fails and he begins to sink.

As I reflected on these stories of Abram and Peter I shared with the Lord my own fears and asked the Lord to give me a confidence in my heart to discern His voice amidst the noise and distractions around me. A confidence of clarity of hearing to believe as Abram the words of God. A confidence that does not soon forget the mighty power of God. A confidence that keeps me walking amidst stormy waters, as if on dry and solid ground.

Are you a person of fear or confidence. If you want an exhilarting experience, step out with confidence and join God on the water.

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