Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Safe Place

A righteous man is invited by God into a safe place in the storm. Read the account of Noah. In Genesis 7:1 God invites Noah to enter the ark, a place of safety and refuge. The Bible says, of all the people living on the earth at this time, only Noah’s heart was right before God. Imagine living today surrounded by people, and you alone are seen as righteous. Would you prevail or give into the pressure to do evil with the society around you? Not Noah, he prevailed in keeping all that God asked him to do. And because Noah’s heart was right before God and Noah was willing to do all God asked of him, God provided Noah a safe place. When the storm came to wash away the wicked of the world, Noah and his family was saved. Notice the righteousness of one man saved also his family. Better to be the one righteous man in a wicked culture who is safe in the protective arms of the Lord God Almighty then to be among the multitudes of the wicked who although feel safe in the multitudes are really not. It may not feel like it at this moment, but the safest place is to not in the crowd, but walking with God.

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