Thursday, January 21, 2010

Passing the Test

Although my days of attending school are long past, we are constantly learning and therefore constantly being schooled in life. In Genesis 22 Abraham is over 100 years old and he is still being tested, and the test is much greater than a math or English exam. This test involves the life of his only son, which he has waited most of his life to have. Abraham’s relationship with God was something special. His reverence for God was so great that when God spoke to him he listened and obeyed. He did not question God, as many of us would especially under the circumstances of sacrificing our only child. Abraham did not rationalize within himself that he must have misunderstood the voice of God, as certainly God would not want him to do such a foolish thing to his son. Abraham believed what God’s voice told him to do, and he just went forward in obedience to fulfill what God asked him to do. Abraham passed the test, would you? Are you walking with God in such a manner that you hear his voice? When God asks you to do something is your reverence for God so great that your thoughts are centered on doing it no matter what the danger or consequences are before you? Abraham believed God and because of his faithful obedience God blessed Abraham and the generations that followed. For myself I can say in those times when God has tested me I have not always passed the test as did Abraham, but I am learning to trust the hearing of God’s voice and to have the confidence to obey it without reservation. Hopefully in my next test my heart will have the faith of Abraham and succeed in doing all God ask of me.

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